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Upgrade to Babel 8 (Integration)

Refer plugin developers or integration users to this document when upgrading to Babel 8.


Check out the v8-migration guide for other user-level changes.

AST Changes

JavaScript nodes


  • Represent dynamic import() with an ImportExpression node (#15682, #16114).
    // Example input
    import("foo", options);

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "CallExpression",
    callee: { type: "Import" },
    arguments: [

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "ImportExpression",
    source: StringLiteral("foo"),
    options: Identifier("options")
    Migration: You are encouraged to test your Babel plugins with the new AST, starting from v7.23.0, specifying { parserOpts: { createImportExpressions: true } } in the Babel config. For end users utilizing Babel plugins that rely on the legacy import() AST, it is possible to set createImportExpressions to false. Note that the Babel 7 import() AST is now considered deprecated, it does not support new ES features such as Source Phrase Imports. We will remove the createImportExpressions parser option in Babel 9.

TypeScript nodes

Most of the changes to our TypeScript-specific AST nodes are to reduce the differences with the AST shape of the @typescript-eslint project. This will make it easier to write ESLint rules that, when not depending on type information, can work both with @typescript-eslint/parser and @babel/eslint-parser.


  • Use an identifier for, rather than a plain string (#12829)

    // T is a TSTypeParameter
    function process<T>(input: T): T {}

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSTypeParameter",
    name: "T",

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSTypeParameter",
    name: { type: "Identifier", name: "T" },
  • Rename parameters to params and typeAnnotation to returnType in TSCallSignatureDeclaration, TSConstructSignatureDeclaration, TSFunctionType, TSConstructorType and TSMethodSignature (#9231, #13709)

    interface Foo {
    (x: number): string;

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSCallSignatureDeclaration",
    parameters: [
    { type: "Identifier", name: "x", typeAnnotation: { type: "TSNumberKeyword" } }
    typeAnnotation: {
    type: "TSTypeAnnotation",
    typeAnnotation: { type: "TSStringKeyword" }

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSCallSignatureDeclaration",
    params: [
    { type: "Identifier", name: "x", typeAnnotation: { type: "TSNumberKeyword" } }
    retutnType: {
    type: "TSTypeAnnotation",
    typeAnnotation: { type: "TSStringKeyword" }
    interface Foo {
    new (x: number): string;

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration",
    parameters: [
    { type: "Identifier", name: "x", typeAnnotation: { type: "TSNumberKeyword" } }
    typeAnnotation: {
    type: "TSTypeAnnotation",
    typeAnnotation: { type: "TSStringKeyword" }

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration",
    params: [
    { type: "Identifier", name: "x", typeAnnotation: { type: "TSNumberKeyword" } }
    retutnType: {
    type: "TSTypeAnnotation",
    typeAnnotation: { type: "TSStringKeyword" }
    interface Foo {
    foo(x: number): string;

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSMethodSignature",
    key: Identifier("foo"),
    parameters: [
    { type: "Identifier", name: "x", typeAnnotation: { type: "TSNumberKeyword" } }
    typeAnnotation: {
    type: "TSTypeAnnotation",
    typeAnnotation: { type: "TSStringKeyword" }

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSMethodSignature",
    key: Identifier("foo"),
    params: [
    { type: "Identifier", name: "x", typeAnnotation: { type: "TSNumberKeyword" } }
    retutnType: {
    type: "TSTypeAnnotation",
    typeAnnotation: { type: "TSStringKeyword" }
    type Bar = (x: number) => string;

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSFunctionType",
    parameters: [
    { type: "Identifier", name: "x", typeAnnotation: { type: "TSNumberKeyword" } }
    typeAnnotation: {
    type: "TSTypeAnnotation",
    typeAnnotation: { type: "TSStringKeyword" }

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSFunctionType",
    params: [
    { type: "Identifier", name: "x", typeAnnotation: { type: "TSNumberKeyword" } }
    retutnType: {
    type: "TSTypeAnnotation",
    typeAnnotation: { type: "TSStringKeyword" }
    type Bar = (x: number) => string;

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSConstructorType",
    parameters: [
    { type: "Identifier", name: "x", typeAnnotation: { type: "TSNumberKeyword" } }
    typeAnnotation: {
    type: "TSTypeAnnotation",
    typeAnnotation: { type: "TSStringKeyword" }

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSConstructorType",
    params: [
    { type: "Identifier", name: "x", typeAnnotation: { type: "TSNumberKeyword" } }
    retutnType: {
    type: "TSTypeAnnotation",
    typeAnnotation: { type: "TSStringKeyword" }
  • Rename typeParameters to typeArguments in CallExpression, JSXOpeningElement, NewExpression, OptionalCallExpression, TSImportType, TSInstantiationExpression, TSTypeQuery and TSTypeReference (#16679, #17008, #17012, #17020, #17042)


    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "CallExpression",
    callee: Identifier("fn"),
    arguments: [],
    typeParameters: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "CallExpression",
    callee: Identifier("fn"),
    arguments: [],
    typeArguments: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "JSXOpeningElement",
    name: JSXIdentifier("Component"),
    attributes: [],
    selfClosing: true,
    typeParameters: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "JSXOpeningElement",
    name: JSXIdentifier("Component"),
    attributes: [],
    selfClosing: true,
    typeArguments: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"
    new Component<string>()

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "NewExpression",
    callee: Identifier("Component"),
    arguments: [],
    typeParameters: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "NewExpression",
    callee: Identifier("Component"),
    arguments: [],
    typeArguments: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "OptionalCallExpression",
    callee: Identifier("fn"),
    arguments: [],
    optional: true,
    typeParameters: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "OptionalCallExpression",
    callee: Identifier("fn"),
    arguments: [],
    optional: true,
    typeArguments: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"
    var arr: import("./Array")<string>

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSImportType",
    argument: StringLiteral("./Array"),
    typeParameters: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSImportType",
    argument: {
    type: "TSLiteralType",
    literal: StringLiteral("./Array")
    typeArguments: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSInstantiationExpression",
    expression: Identifier("fn"),
    typeParameters: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSInstantiationExpression",
    expression: Identifier("fn"),
    typeArguments: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"
    var arr: typeof Array<string>;

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSTypeQuery",
    exprName: Identifier("Array"),
    typeParameters: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSTypeQuery",
    exprName: Identifier("Array"),
    typeArguments: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"
    var arr: Array<string>;

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSTypeReference",
    typeName: Identifier("Array"),
    typeParameters: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSTypeReference",
    typeName: Identifier("Array"),
    typeArguments: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"
  • Rename superTypeParameters to superTypeArguments in ClassDeclaration and ClassExpression (#16679, #16997)

    class X extends Y<string> {}

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "ClassDeclaration",
    id: Identifier("X"),
    superClass: Identifier("Y"),
    superTypeParameters: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "ClassDeclaration",
    id: Identifier("X"),
    superClass: Identifier("Y"),
    superTypeArguments: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [{
    type: "TSStringKeyword"
  • Split typeParameter of TSMappedType (#16733).

    In TSMappedType nodes, the typeParameter property is flattened as key and constraint properties of TSMappedType itself.

    let map1: { [P in string]: number; };

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSMappedType",
    typeParameter: {
    type: "TypeParameter",
    name: Identifier("P"),
    constraint: TSStringKeyword()
    typeAnnotation: TSNumberKeyword(),

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSMappedType",
    key: Identifier("P"),
    constraint: TSStringKeyword()
    typeAnnotation: TSNumberKeyword(),
  • Split TSExpressionWithTypeArguments into TSClassImplements and TSInterfaceHeritage (#16731.

    The new nodes also use typeArguments instead of typeParameters (#17017).

    class C implements X<T> {}

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "ClassDeclaration",
    id: Identifier("C"),
    implements: [
    type: "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments",
    expression: Identifier("X"),
    typeParameters: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [TSTypeReference(Identifier("T"))]
    body: ClassBody([]),

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "ClassDeclaration",
    id: Identifier("C"),
    implements: [
    type: "TSClassImplements",
    expression: Identifier("X"),
    typeArguments: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [TSTypeReference(Identifier("T"))]
    body: ClassBody([]),
    interface I extends X<T> {}

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSInterfaceDeclaration",
    id: Identifier("I"),
    extends: [
    type: "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments",
    expression: Identifier("X"),
    typeParameters: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [TSTypeReference(Identifier("T"))]
    body: TSInterfaceBody([]),

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSInterfaceDeclaration",
    id: Identifier("I"),
    extends: [
    type: "TSInterfaceHeritage",
    expression: Identifier("X"),
    typeArguments: {
    type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation",
    params: [TSTypeReference(Identifier("T"))]
    body: TSInterfaceBody([]),
  • Wrap the argument of TSImportType within a TSLiteralType (#17046)

    The TSImportType also uses typeArguments instead of typeParameters (#17042). See here for an example.

      var arr: import("./Array")

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSImportType",
    argument: StringLiteral("./Array")

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSImportType",
    argument: {
    type: "TSLiteralType",
    literal: StringLiteral("./Array")
  • Wrap the members of TSEnumDeclaration within a TSEnumBody node (#16979)

    // Example input
    enum ColorType {

    // AST in Babel 7
    type: "TSEnumDeclaration",
    id: Identifier("ColorType")
    members: [

    // AST in Babel 8
    type: "TSEnumDeclaration",
    id: Identifier("ColorType")
    body: {
    type: "TSEnumBody",
    members: [
  • Create TSAbstractMethodDefinition and TSPropertyDefinition when both estree and typescript parser plugins are enabled (#16679, #17014)

    Migration: This breaking change is part of the efforts to libraries and ESLint plugins that can work both with typescript-eslint and @babel/eslint-parser. For most Babel plugin developers you can safely ignore this change as it does not affect the typescript transform and codemod. That said, if you are trying to develop a custom ESLint rule with @babel/eslint-parser, this change aligns the Babel AST to the typescript-eslint AST.


  • Don't generate TSParenthesizedType unless createParenthesizedExpression is enabled(#9546, #12608)

    type T = ({});

    // Babel 8 with createParenthesizedExpression: true, and Babel 7
    TSParenthesizedType { typeAnnotation: TSTypeLiteral { members: [] } }

    // Babel 8 with createParenthesizedExpression: false
    TSTypeLiteral { members: [] }

    Migration: If you need information about parentheses, specify the createParenthesizedExpression parser option.

    { "parserOpts": { "createParenthesizedExpression": true } }

    When createParenthesizedExpression is false, you can also use node.extra.parenthesized to detect whether node is wrapped in parentheses.

API Changes

All packages


  • Disallow importing internal files (#14013, #14179).

    Migration: Use the exported API only. If you are relying on Babel internals, please open an issue and let us know.



  • Disallow using babel.transform, babel.transformFile, babel.transformFromAst, babel.parse, babel.loadOptions, babel.loadPartialConfig and babel.createConfigItem synchronously (#11110, #12695, #15869).

    Migration: The APIs above require a callback argument. If you are not providing a callback, please use their sync versions: babel.transformSync, babel.transformFileSync, babel.transformFromAstSync, babel.parseSync, babel.loadOptionsSync, babel.loadPartialConfigSync and babel.createConfigItemSync.



  • Remove CodeGenerator class (#16126)

    Migration: In Babel 8 the undocumented CodeGenerator class has been removed, please use the default exported generate function instead.

    - new CodeGenerator(ast).generate()
    + generate(ast)



  • Reject invalid identifier names in t.identifier builder (#10917).

    // Empty string is an invalid identifier name

    Migration: Call t.identifier with a valid name.

  • Remove Super from the Expression alias (#14750).

    A Super node represents super in super call super() and super property As super can not be a standalone expression, t.isExpression(t.super()) will return false in Babel 8.

    Migration: Search usage of the t.isExpression and t.assertsExpression functions, and of the t.Expression type alias: if they need to also accept Super nodes, update them accordingly.

    // Add `.foo` to an expression
    - if (t.isExpression(path.node)) {
    + if (t.isExpression(path.node) || t.isSuper(path.node)) {

    You don't have to update the usage if super() and is not involved:

    // define an expression as a computed key of `foo`
    if (t.isExpression(path.node)) {
    // `super` can not be a computed key, so we don't update `isExpression`
    /* computed */ true
  • Require an Identifier node as the third argument of t.tsTypeParameter (#12829)

    This is due to the corresponding AST shape change.

    Migration: Wrap the name string within the identifier builder

    /* constraint */ undefined,
    /* default */ undefined,
    + t.identifier(
    + )
  • Require a TSLiteralType node as the first argument of t.tsImportType (#17046)

    This is due to the corresponding AST shape change.

    Migration: Wrap the argument string literal within the tsLiteralType builder

    + t.tsLiteralType(
    + )
  • Require a TSEnumBody node as the second argument of t.tsEnumDeclaration (#16979)

    This is due to the corresponding AST shape change.

    Migration: Wrap the members array within the tsEnumBody builder

    // Create `enum ColorType { Red, Green, Blue }`
    - [
    + t.tsEnumBody([
    - ],
    + ]),
  • Update the t.tsMappedType signature (#16733)

    This is due to the corresponding AST shape change.

    // Babel 7
    declare function tsMappedType(
    typeParameter: TSTypeParameter,
    typeAnnotation?: TSType,
    nameType?: TSType
    ): TSMappedType

    // Babel 8
    declare function tsMappedType(
    key: Identifier,
    constraint: TSType,
    nameType?: TSType,
    typeAnnotation?: TSType
    ): TSMappedType

    Migration: See the example below.

    // To create { [P in string as Q]: number }

    // Babel 7
    t.tsTypeParameter(t.tsStringKeyword(), undefined, "P"),

    // Babel 8


  • Remove t.jSX* and t.tS* builder aliases (#6989, #15527)

    Migration: Use t.jsx* and t.ts* instead. For example, replace t.jSXIdentifier("foo") with t.jsxIdentifier("foo").

  • Remove selfClosing argument from t.jsxElement (#14464)

    - t.jsxElement(openingElement, closingElement, children, selfClosing?: boolean)
    + t.jsxElement(openingElement, closingElement, children)

    Migration: The selfClosing argument was already not used in the builder. You can safely remove it.

  • Remove optional argument from t.memberExpression (#13407)

    - t.memberExpression(object, property, computed, optional?: boolean)
    + t.memberExpression(object, property, computed)

    Migration: The optional argument was already not used in the builder. You can safely remove it.

  • Remove the Noop node type (#12361)

    Migration: There is no generic migration path: you should replace it with the actual node that Noop is being used as a placeholder for. If you are depending on Noop and have no alternative, please open an issue and explain your use case.

  • Initialize indexers, callProperties and internalSlots in the node ObjectTypeAnnotation as an empty array in t.objectTypeAnnotation (#14465)

    In Babel 7 the builder t.objectTypeAnnotation initializes them as null, this is inconsistent with how @babel/parser will parse the Flow object type annotations. In Babel 8 the new default value [] matches the parser behaviour.

  • Reject negative and NaN/infinite numbers from t.numericLiteral (#15802)

    // NumericLiterals must be non-negative finite numbers.

    Migration: To represent a negative number, use t.unaryExpression("-", t.numericLiteral(1)). To represent NaN or Infinity, use t.identifier("NaN"). To convert a generic numeric value (which could also be negative, NaN, or an inifinity) to the proper AST node, use t.valueToNode(num).


Other than the changes listed below, @babel/parser is affected by all the AST changes.


  • Align Babel parser error codes between Flow and TypeScript (#13294)

    The error.code for OptionalBindingPattern is renamed as PatternIsOptional.

  • Remove updateContext field from tokens[].type returned from option tokens: true (#13768)

    import { parse } from "@babel/parser";

    const { tokens } = parse("a = 42", { tokens: true });
    // Babel 7
    // { label: "name", updateContext: null, ...other properties }
    // Babel 8
    // { label: "name", ... other properties }

    Note that tokens[].type is meant to be an opaque object used as an identity for token types, as if it was a symol. Its exact shape is meant to be an internal implementation detail.

  • Tokenize private names (#priv) as a single privateName token (#13256)

    import { parse } from "@babel/parser";

    const { tokens } = parse("class C { #priv }", { tokens: true });
    tokens.filter(t => t.start >= 10 && t.end <= 15) // get tokens for `#priv`
    // Babel 7
    // [
    // Token (#) { value: "#", start: 10, end: 11 },
    // Token (name) { value: "priv", start: 11, end: 15 }
    // ]
    // Babel 8
    // [
    // Token (privateName) { value: "priv", start: 10, end: 15 }
    // ]
  • Tokenize template literals as templateNonTail and templateTail (#13919)

    import { parse } from "@babel/parser";

    const { tokens } = parse("`head${x}middle${y}tail`", { tokens: true });
    console.log(tokens); // print tokens
    // Babel 7
    // [
    // Token (`),
    // Token (template) { value: "head" }, Token (${),
    // Token (name) { value: "x" }, Token (}),
    // Token (template) { value: "middle" }, Token (${),
    // Token (name) { value: "y" }, Token (}),
    // Token (template) { value: "tail" }
    // Token (`)
    // ]
    // Babel 8
    // [
    // Token (templateNonTail) { value: "head" },
    // Token (name) { value: "x" },
    // Token (templateNonTail) { value: "middle" },
    // Token (name) { value: "y" },
    // Token (templateTail) { value: "tail" }
    // ]
  • Remove extra.shorthand from ObjectProperty nodes (#16521)

    Migration: Use node.shorthand rather than node.extra.shorthand.



  • Remove is, isnt, has, equals methods from NodePath (#16655)

    Migration: Directly compare properties of path.node instead.

    - functionExpressionPath.equals("id", idNode)
    + === idNode

    - functionExpressionPath.has("id")

    - functionExpressionPath.has("arguments")
    + !!functionExpressionPath.node.arguments.length

    - functionExpressionPath.isnt("async")
    + !functionExpressionPath.node.async
  • Remove hoist, updateSiblingKeys, call, setScope, resync, popContext, pushContext, setup, setKey methods from NodePath (#16655)

    These methods are meant to be private so there is no real migration approach. If your plugin / build is broken by this change, feel free to open an issue and tell us how you use these methods and we can see what we can do after Babel 8 is released.


  • Remove block argument from Scope#rename (#15288)

    - rename(oldName: string, newName?: string, block?: t.Pattern | t.Scopable)
    + rename(oldName: string, newName?: string)

    Migration: Instead of passing a different block to scope.rename(), directly call .rename() on the scope corresponding to that block.

  • Allow skipped NodePaths to be requeued (#13291)

    NodePath#requeue() can requeue a skipped NodePath. This is actually a bugfix, but it causes an infinite loop in the temporal dead zone implementation of @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping in Babel 7: it may break other plugins as well.

    Migration: If you want to preserve the old behavior, you can use NodePath#shouldSkip to check whether a NodePath has been skipped before calling NodePath#requeue().

  • Remove NodePath methods starting with _ (#16504)


    These methods are meant to be private so there is no real migration approach. If your plugin / build is broken by this change, feel free to open an issue and tell us how you use these methods and we can see what we can do after Babel 8 is released.



  • Remove the default property of the exports object (#14180)

    Migration: This change has no effect if you are using the plugin in your ESLint config. However, if you are extending @babel/eslint-plugin, ensure that you obtain exports from require("@babel/eslint-plugin") rather than require("@babel/eslint-plugin").default.

    // Don't add `.default` after `require()`
    const { rules, rulesConfig } = require("@babel/eslint-plugin")



  • Rename stage 4 plugin entries from proposal-* to transform-* in plugins.json (#14976)

    This change also affects the isRequired function of @babel/helper-compilation-targets, which receives plugin names as its first parameter.

    Migration: For example, use transform-class-properties rather than proposal-class-properties. For a complete list of renamed plugin, see Packages Renames section of Babel 8 migration.

    module.exports = api => {
    const targets = api.targets();
    // The targets have native optional chaining support
    // if `transform-optional-chaining` is _not_ required
    const optionalChainingSupported = !isRequired(
    - "proposal-optional-chaining",
    + "transform-optional-chaining",


  • Remove ios_saf from data/native-modules.json (#15068)

    Migration: Use ios instead.



  • Remove named export environmentVisitor (#15550)

    Migration: Import it from @babel/helper-environment-visitor.

    - import { environmentVisitor } from "@babel/helper-replace-supers";
    + import environmentVisitor from `@babel/helper-environment-visitor`;
  • Remove named export skipAllButComputedKey (#15550)

    Migration: Use requeueComputedKeyAndDecorators instead. Find and replace the following import and usage

    import { skipAllButComputedKey } from "@babel/helper-replace-supers";


    import { requeueComputedKeyAndDecorators } from `@babel/helper-environment-visitor`;



  • Remove the the third parameter includeUpdateExpression from the default export (#15550)

    Note that the Babel 8 behavior is the same as the default Babel 7 behavior (i.e. includeUpdateExpression: true).



Plugin API changes


  • Remove getModuleName from plugin pass (#12724)

    Migration: Use .file.getModuleName instead.

    module.exports = {
    name: "my-babel-plugin",
    visitor: {
    Identifier(path, pass) {
    - const moduleName = pass.getModuleName();
    + const moduleName = pass.file.getModuleName();


  • Remove addImport from plugin pass (#15576)

    This change probably will not affect your plugin as this method is already throwing an error in Babel 7.

    Migration: Use addNamed or addDefault from @babel/helper-module-imports instead.

  • Stop supporting plugin fields as named exports (#15576)

    For example, the following file is not a valid plugin anymore:

    export const name = "legacy-babel-plugin";
    export const visitor = {
    Identifier() {}

    Migration: Find such patterns and use a default export instead, either exporting a plugin object or a factory function.

    export default {
    name: "babel-plugin",
    visitor: {
    Identifier() {}